My Books

My Books, Including the Untwisting Scriptures Series

Have you found that you can’t read the Bible without being sent back into a painful place? Have the Scriptures been twisted to keep you in bondage?

The real Jesus wants to set you free.

If you’re a victim or survivor of spiritual abuse, the Untwisting Scriptures series of books is for you, to help you unravel the ways God’s Word has been used to keep you bound. My goal is to help you walk out of that spiritual abuse, in the freedom offered by our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Book 6: Striving, Dying to Self, and Life

Untwisting Scriptures to Find Freedom and Joy in Jesus Christ: Book 6 Striving, Dying to Self, and Life

“You need to keep striving with moral effort for your sanctification.” “You need to die to self daily.” “You need to decrease so Christ can increase.” These words and more have been used to bind and confuse those who are being harmed. Untwisting Scriptures #6 untangles them with joy.

This book refutes teachings from teachers such as Jay Adams, Heath Lambert, Roy Hession, and Desiring God. It goes on to talk about what it means to receive sanctification by faith, what those supposed “dying to self” Scriptures really mean, and what it means to LIVE in the life of Jesus Christ.

Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “You have to keep striving, dying, and decreasing” without losing a relationship with God.

In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.

Book 5: Brokenness & Suffering

Untwisting Scriptures to Find Freedom and Joy in Jesus Christ: Book 5 Brokenness & Suffering

“We’re all broken.” “We need to pray for God to break us.” “Suffering is part of our sanctification.” “No one is a victim.” These words and more have been used to bind and confuse those who are being harmed. Untwisting Scriptures #5 untangles them with joy.

This book refutes teachings from teachers such as John MacArthur, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Paul Tripp, and Voddie Baucham. It goes on to talk about who God really does break and what kind of relationship we can have with God.

Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “Be more broken and stop complaining” without losing a relationship with God.

In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.


Book 4: Wolves, Hypocrisy, Sin Leveling, and Righteousness

Untwisting Scriptures to Find Freedom and Joy in Jesus Christ: Book 4: Wolves, Hypocrisy, Sin Leveling, and Righteousness.

“You’re just a stupid sheep,” “You’re the worst sinner you know,” “You always have a log in your own eye.” These words and more have been used to bind and confuse those who are being harmed. Untwisting Scriptures #4 untangles them with joy.

This book also gently addresses the important “pronoun issue” when it comes to Bible interpretation, the issue of “sin leveling,” what the New Testament really means when it talks about “repentance,” and what it really means to be free from sin.

Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “You Should Only Look at Your Own Sin” without losing a relationship with God. In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.

After all, The Real Jesus is Not. Like. That.

Purchase Untwisting Scriptures Book 4 audiobook for just $10 here.

Listen to Rebecca read Chapter 2 from the audiobook here:

Purchase the  Untwisting Scriptures #4 audiobook for just $10 here.


Book 3: Your Words, Your Emotions

Untwisting Scriptures that were used to tie you up, gag you and tangle your mind: Book 3 Your Words, Your Emotions.

“Don’t gossip,” “Don’t bear false witness,” “Don’t be negative,” These words and more have been used to keep the duct tape over the mouths of those who are being harmed. Untwisting Scriptures #3 goes after them.

It also addresses other harmful messages that have been delivered in the name of God regarding our emotions, especially focusing on fear and anxiety, anger, and empathy, laying out what Scripture teaches about these emotions.

Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “Don’t Talk Don’t Feel” without losing a relationship with God. In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.

Purchase the Untwisting Scriptures Book 3 audiobook for just $10 here.

Listen to Rebecca read Chapter 14 from the audiobook here:

Purchase the Untwisting Scriptures Book 3 audiobook for just $10 here.


Book 2: Patriarchy and Authority

Untwisting Scriptures that were used to tie you up, gag you and tangle your mind: Book 2 Patriarchy and Authority.

“Children obey your parents”? “Rebellion is the sin like witchcraft”? “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority”?

Each teaching is examined thoroughly in the light of the context and the Scriptures as a whole.

This book refutes teachings from “authority” teachers such as Bill Gothard, John Bevere, and Doug Phillips. It goes on to talk about the authority that all of God’s people have through Jesus Christ. 

Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “Just obey authority” without losing a relationship with God. In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.

Purchase the Untwisting Scriptures #2 audiobook for just $10 here.

Listen to Rebecca read Chapter 10 from the audiobook here:

Purchase the Untwisting Scriptures #2 audiobook here.


Book 1: Rights, Bitterness, and Taking Up Offenses

untwisting-scriptures-front-coverUntwisting Scriptures that were used to tie you up, gag you and tangle your mind: Book 1 Rights, Bitterness, and Taking Up Offenses.

“You have to yield your rights.” “You’re just so bitter.” “It’s a sin to take up offenses for others.”

This book refutes teachings from teachers such as Bill Gothard, Bryan Lorritts, and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It goes on to talk about the rights we really do have in Jesus Christ and what real “Biblical bitterness” really is.

Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “Yield your rights and repent of your bitterness” without losing a relationship with God. In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.

Other books by Rebecca

TDTWS front cover finalTear Down This Wall of Silence
is another wake-up call to the churches, this one about sexual abuse in our midst. We want to help Christians understand abusers and abuse and know how to help survivors of abuse—such very important topics, because approximately 1 in 3 or 4 will be abused by the time they turn 18, and even more after reaching adulthood. The victims and survivors of sexual abuse are all around us, and several of them provided us with anonymous first-person accounts. For this book, I collaborated with pastor Dale Ingraham, the primary author.


“How can I turn my heart and mind to the Lord when I can’t even think?” Writing out a prayer when our minds are clear can help us when our minds are clouded and confused by the enemy, which can happen when we’re working in a world of darkness. Prayer Armor for Defense against the Enemy’s Flaming Darts is written for those who are being assaulted in their thoughts so much that they find it difficult or impossible to pray, which of course is the time when we most need to pray.


These are just my books for adults. The books I’ve written for children and teenagers, including a series of six books of true missionary stories, a series of Christian biographies, and two devotional books, can be seen at the website