You probably know people who have said, essentially, “I know I ought to pray, because the Bible says I should, but if God is going to do His will anyway, why is it important?”

Yes, prayer is about seeing God’s will done. But really, it’s about so much more.

Adoration. The secret connection of the soul that constantly acknowledges the great gifts of God, flowing down constantly to me . . . and not only acknowledges them but leaps in thanksgiving at the joyful remembrance of them, expressing love for the Giver of the gifts.

And a longing to see Him glorified, as the only one worthy of all glory.

Communion. The secret connection that knows that God knows. He knows all the secret thoughts of my heart. So that I can continually whisper, “I’m sorry, Lord, but once again I claim Your power against that temptation.”

And a confidence that He is the only one that can forgive, and that His forgiveness is swift and sure.

Longing. The secret connection that, when a need is brought to mind–and aren’t the needs around us mammoth and seemingly overwhelming?–I can immediately run to Him with the need.

And an assurance that He is the true Righteous Judge, and delights to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are wholly turned to Him.

Dependence. Frail and needy, together we stand in the blood-pool of the cross.

Empowerment. Rejoicing, with hands upstretched, together we stand in the aurora of the empty tomb.

And together we cry, “I love you, Beautiful Savior. Do a mighty work among your people. Be glorified!”


Go here to download your free Guide, How to Enjoy the Bible Again (when you’re ready) After Spiritual Abuse (without feeling guilty or getting triggered out of your mind). You’ll receive access to both print and audio versions of the Guide (audio read by me). I’m praying it will be helpful.


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