Years ago we left my Independent Fundamental Baptist roots–not because of rules so much, or a particular bad experience, but because in our study of the Bible, some of our beliefs had changed so fundamentally that we no longer fit.
In searching for where we belonged in the world of Christendom, we ended up in a Reformed Baptist church.
Reformed Baptist have their own peculiar brand of legalism, quite different from the IFB world. They believe among other things that Sunday, as the Sabbath, is to be set aside for rest as they define it.
The Reformed Baptist church we were in gave very strict instructions as to what that would look like: besides the schedule of being in a church meeting from fairly early in the morning until dinner time, spending time in the afternoon with others in the church, and then coming back for another long church meeting in the evening, they also delineated certain activities that were off limits.
This list wasn’t that different from what I had grown up with in my own family. The difference was that if you didn’t do this, you were running the chance of being preached about, against, and to.
And ironically, for us Sunday became the most exhausting day of the week.
This article has now been truncated because it has been edited and incorporated into the book here.
. You can find that book
Go here to download your free Guide, How to Enjoy the Bible Again (when you’re ready) After Spiritual Abuse (without feeling guilty or getting triggered out of your mind). You’ll receive access to both print and audio versions of the Guide (audio read by me). I’m praying it will be helpful.
Amen, and AMEN! Well-spoken words once again, Rebecca! It always comes back, all of it, to in Christ Alone. IN Christ. Alone. Period. Thank you again for such comforting and encouraging words.
Thank you for the encouragement, Lisa. Of course as I was writing this I thought of you.
If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a NEW creature! Free to serve, to love, to swim or cut grass, to visit, to watch a movie, to read or draw or write or sing. FREE. Amen!
The freedom we have in Christ is freedom from the law, as Galatians and Romans, for example, tell us.
Thank you so much for posting this, Rebecca. It is so freeing when one can grasp the truths you presented in this post.
YES!!! I have definitely tried explaining this very thing to people who are working to set aside a day to Rest every week. To have special alone time with Jesus- as He draws them to Himself. And it is Good. To Rest. But it is like a bottle or pacifier in that it is a baby step to LIVING IN THE SABBATH REST 24/7/365 because Sabbath IS JESUS. a weekly Sabbath is practice for daily, moment by moment with Jesus. I LONG to continually live IN that Rest of Jesus.