Untwisting Scriptures

from spiritual abuse

and offering the joy

that is to be found in Jesus Christ

Here’s the Joy

Untwisting Scriptures from spiritual abuse and offering the joy that is to be found in Jesus Christ

Untwisting Scriptures from spiritual abuse and offering the joy that is to be found in Jesus Christ

Have you found that you can’t read the Bible without being sent back into a painful place?

Have the Scriptures been twisted to keep you in bondage?

The true Jesus of the Scriptures wants to set you free.

Have you found that you can’t read the Bible without being sent back into a painful place?

Have the Scriptures been twisted to keep you in bondage?

The true Jesus of the Scriptures wants to set you free.

Get Your Free Guide

Both Written and Audio Versions

Click the button to get your free guide to reading the Bible again after spiritual abuse.

Have you found that you can’t read the Bible without being sent back into a painful place?

Have the Scriptures been twisted to keep you in bondage?

The true Jesus of the Scriptures wants to set you free.

Bible After Abuse Guide

Get Your Free Guide

both written and audio versions

Click the button to get your free guide to reading the Bible again after spiritual abuse.

You need to be able to find out who the Biblical Jesus is without the twisting.

You need to find the God who has said He loves you.

You need to know what the Bible really means.

Explore the Untwisting Scriptures Series

Carefully researched and prayerfully written, the Untwisting Scriptures series of books untangles twisted teachings, one teaching at a time. Available in paperback, e-book, and audio.
Wolves, Hypocrisy, Sin Leveling, & Righteousness | Untwisting Scriptures Book 4

Get Your Free Guide

Both Written And Audio Versions

Bible After Abuse Guide

Click the button below to get your free guide to reading the Bible after spiritual abuse.

You need to be able to find out who the Biblical Jesus is without the twisting.

You need to find the God who has said He loves you.

You need to know what the Bible really means.

Explore the Untwisting Scriptures Series

Carefully researched and prayerfully written, the Untwisting Scriptures series of books untangles twisted teachings, one teaching at a time. Available in paperback, e-book, and audio.

Who is Rebecca Davis?

I’m a trauma-informed writer, book coach, compassionate witness, prayer minister, and lover of Jesus.

I’ve written the Untwisting Scriptures series of books, designed to help those who have experienced spiritual abuse get to know the true heart of God.

With over 40 years of study of the Scriptures, I write

  • to help Christians have a deeper understanding of the true God and His love for them,
  • to help those who have been abused find hope in the Lord Jesus Christ,
  • and to help Christians better understand how they can help those in need.

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~ Here’s the Joy ~

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Read Other Books by Rebecca

I’ve written or co-written over 20 nonfiction books, including a series of 6 books of true missionary stories for children and 2 devotional books for middle schoolers. You can see my solo books for adults here or view all of my books on Amazon. Here are two of them.

Prayer Armor for Defense Against the Enemy’s Flaming Darts

Tear Down This Wall of Silence

Read Other Books by Rebecca

I’ve written or co-written over 20 nonfiction books, including a series of 6 books of true missionary stories for children and 2 devotional books for middle schoolers. You can see my solo books for adults here or view all of my books on Amazon. Here are two of them.

Prayer Armor for Defense Against the Enemy’s Flaming Darts

Tear Down This Wall of Silence

Get my weekly “Tiny Untwistings”
Plus be the first to know when I publish new blog articles and when I need beta readers for my next book

My Tiny Untwistings offer the same kind of light I long to shine in my Untwisting Scriptures books.

But it’s delivered in bite-sized nuggets once a week, to help you more clearly see yourself and your God.

Each one takes 2 minutes to read.

And readers write me back with words like:

“I love getting your emails! I appreciate your explanations of concepts in Scripture, so helpful in freeing me up. I’m grateful I’ve been introduced to you.”

“Praise Jesus for your wisdom. Thank you speaking truth.”

“Whoa! Beautiful!”

“Oh this is beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Love this!!! Feels like you just gave my insides room to breathe!”

“What a beautiful, powerful message!”

“I soooo love this writing…it is soooo true of my Jesus! Thank you for sharing this.”

“Thank you!!! I really needed to hear that this morning.”

“This is so powerful, and I’m really glad I read this today. I’m printing this one out and putting it on my bulletin board!”

“LOVED this email today! It’s such a testament to how a change in perspective can truly change everything!”

“Oh this is SO GOOD!!!”

The point is not that I’m so greatI’m pretty ordinary, actuallybut that our God is so great.

His beauty, love, and desire for safe, loving, and healthy relationship with His people has been so very masked in much of our modern Western Christian culture.

But it’s there in the Scriptures, and we can ask Him to strip away the blinders and give us eyes to see.

It’s my highest privilege to help with that.
