(Part 1 of 3.)
My despair
Back in 1994 when I was studying Leviticus (because it was my wilderness book), I wrote this in the margin at Leviticus chapter 2 (the boldface is added now):
II Peter 1:4 says that we as believers should be “partakers of the divine nature.” This passage shows the priests literally partaking of that which represents the divine nature of our lovely Lord. Then that bread of life becomes a part of us and we are influenced and strengthened by it. In all these ways mentioned, we should be striving to be like Him: the sweet-smelling life, the full anointing by the Holy Spirit, the fellowship of His sufferings. How far, how far I have to go!
Do you hear the wailing in my voice?
Do you see how I said we “should be” this and we “should be” that?
Can you feel with me how hopeless I felt to actually measure up to Jesus? It was a tall order. Impossible, even.

In Greek mythology Sisyphus was doomed to push a boulder up the hill every day–a boulder that would roll back down to the bottom every night. I can think of few things more despair-inducing.
This article has now been truncated because it has been edited and incorporated into the book here.
. You can find that book
Go here to download your free Guide, How to Enjoy the Bible Again (when you’re ready) After Spiritual Abuse (without feeling guilty or getting triggered out of your mind). You’ll receive access to both print and audio versions of the Guide (audio read by me). I’m praying it will be helpful.
Maybe the idea is that we strive to yield (yielding doesn’t come naturally) to the Holy Spirit in whom we find rest?
Wow! Thank you! I look forward to the continuation!
What???? We have to wait for Post #2? Is that a use of literary tease to build our anticipation of the answer to come???? Or…Perhaps an example of the very thing you are trying to teach? In leaving us with part # 1, I find myself pondering, wondering, pricked to the heart to know and discover what it is that God has taught you. YOU HAVE CREATED THE GOOD SOIL into which your answers would take root and grow. Perhaps as God’s Holy Spirit works in us ( as we REST in that knowledge of His active work) He stirs in us a desire to know Him, a belief in His care for our souls, an equipping to do the things to which He calls us, and an anticipation of His preparing the good soil/needs of those to whom He would have us serve ( our striving/ working out of our salvation) can actually work together SO THAT WE DON’T WEARY OF THE GOOD THINGS TO WHICH HE HAS CALLED US (Striving) because we are empowered by His working POWER in us ( REST). Still, i look forward to hearing your thoughts on how it is the Lord has taught you the balance of resting and striving❤️
Ha ha. I was going to do the three posts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But someone else has already told me I need to post the second one tomorrow because I left her hanging. So I will.
I love where this is heading. I’m thrilled that you’re walking us through this paradox of resting vs. striving that so many of us have struggled with for so long. You would absolutely love to get your hands on a copy of Malcolm Smith’s book titled “The Power of the Blood Covenant.”
Yes exactly !!! A fine tension. It begins and ends with God. I have been trying to reconcile these 2 things as well. When one comes down on the side obey and submit and “ work” and it’s ON YOU, it is burdensome and slavery to me. When I trust Christ with my frailties failures inadequacies AS I desire to live a faithful life focusing on Christ and His work dependent on the Spirit I find rest. It’s all His Work in and through me. Coming out and away from NANC/ACBC after 17 years and experiencing spiritual abuse for 40, I am VERY sensitive to legalism. I have raised my kids in a strong conservative Christian homeschooling community in DFW. I have seen a lot of abuse thrive in the church masked by conservative Christianity and legalism. I look at scripture from a point of rest instead of striving but it took decades to get there, but He is merciful to bring about that True Rest!
I’ve fought this same battle to understand for nearly 50 years. The content of your continuation will be sweet.
You’ve got me on pins and needles, Rebecca. I can hardly wait to read what you have to share next!
Anxiously waiting for part 2 and 3!
thank you for sharing your revelation of TRUTH-JESUS in the scriptures. The truth I know sets me free. In HIS LOVE
Amen, Deborah. He is good.