Untwisting Scriptures — Book One
Book 1
Rights, Bitterness, and Taking Up Offenses
“You have to yield your rights.” “You’re just so bitter.” “It’s a sin to take up offenses for others.”
This book refutes teachings from teachers such as Bill Gothard, Bryan Lorritts, and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It goes on to talk about the rights we really do have in Jesus Christ and what real “Biblical bitterness” really is.
Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “Yield your rights and repent of your bitterness” without losing a relationship with God. In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.

Book 1
Rights, Bitterness, and Taking Up Offenses
“You have to yield your rights.” “You’re just so bitter.” “It’s a sin to take up offenses for others.”
This book refutes teachings from teachers such as Bill Gothard, Bryan Lorritts, and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It goes on to talk about the rights we really do have in Jesus Christ and what real “Biblical bitterness” really is.
Scriptures can be untwisted. You can walk away from the spiritual abuse of “Yield your rights and repent of your bitterness” without losing a relationship with God. In fact, you may just find a Jesus you never knew.
I would give this book 10 stars because it is that good. It is a must read for anyone that went to Bill Gothard’s seminars and were tied up with the false notions of “bitterness”. A little book that gives a big big punch to his and other copy cats teachings on rights, anger and bitterness.
Rebecca Davis has a clear understanding of the Word and is gifted in untwisting commonly mistaught scriptures. I have learned so much from her blog and this book. I highly recommend Untwisting Scriptures if you have been counseled in a way that added more burdens to you or additional confusion to your already foggy thinking.
~Danielle M.
This book helps untwist some of the deceptions that keeps people bound to relationships and guilt that is not from Him. This is a bible study on the truth that will set you free to live and love yourself so you will be free to actually love others as you love yourself.