If Bill Gothard had lived at the time of William Wilberforce, he might have called him aside just before one of his impassioned speeches against the slave trade to Parliament (many or most of whose members greatly benefited directly or indirectly from the slave trade) and said, “Brother, you shouldn’t be doing this. You know we shouldn’t be taking up offenses.”

[I’m so tempted to go on a slight rabbit trail and say that if C J. Mahaney had been living at the time of William Wilberforce he might have called him aside and said, “Brother, you know you need to be searching for the sin in your own heart instead of calling out someone else,” but I will restrain myself lest I get off track.]

I loved the Bill Gothard seminars. I attended the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts (or Life Principles, depending on which year it was) many times. I even asked my husband in 1993 if we could be one of the early ATI families. He said, “I don’t want some other man telling me how to lead my family in devotions.”

Anyway, in the interest of full disclosure, I still believe I learned some helpful things through the Bill Gothard seminars. But intermingled with those helpful teachings were some very destructive teachings. (I understand that the ATI teachings were far, far worse, and extremely legalistic, as the Recovering Grace website exposes, coupled with the very shameful goings-on at headquarters, even during the time when I attended the seminar.)

But today I’m singling out only one of those destructive teachings: the concept of “not taking up offenses.”

Back in 2012 when I first got started taking up offenses for sexual abuse victims (although I’ve probably been pretty offensive all my life), I researched that term to try to understand it, because Bill Gothard’s words were ringing in my ears. Not that I felt guilty because of it—I knew I was doing the right thing. It was just that it was . . . so weird. Where did he ever get the concept that we shouldn’t speak out for the weak and oppressed. I mean, like, huh?

So Jesus looks at the Pharisees and says, “Well, I know they’re devouring widows’ houses [KJV, sorry, folks], but they’re not devouring MY house, since I don’t have one, so I can’t speak out about it. It’s not my battle to fight.”

And James, the author of the book of James, looks at the rich men who were withholding their laborers’ wages by fraud and said, “Well it’s not MY wages they’re keeping back, so it’s not my place to say anything.”

And the prophet Nathan, when God told him to go to David . . . oh, never mind. You get my drift.

I can’t find any Biblical reference to not speaking out for the oppressed, for not calling people out on their wretched sin of treading down the weak. Most especially the rich and powerful, whom to call out will be the most costly.  I’m absolutely flummoxed when people cite “not taking up offenses” as a reason.

The Bible, rather, calls us to do just the opposite. Stand with the weak and oppressed. Speak out for those who cannot speak out for themselves. God is just, and the judge over all. He will do right. Let us do right with Him.


Update October 2016: My most recent book, Untwisting Scriptures that were used to tie you up, gag you, and tangle your mind, quotes from a couple of the replies to this blog post. It was one of the earliest ones that planted a seed that later grew into more thoughts that later became that book. I hope it will help untwist the truth of Scripture for many.


Go here to download your free Guide, How to Enjoy the Bible Again (when you’re ready) After Spiritual Abuse (without feeling guilty or getting triggered out of your mind). You’ll receive access to both print and audio versions of the Guide (audio read by me). I’m praying it will be helpful.



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