by Rebecca Davis | Apr 20, 2018 | our New Covenant identity, untwisting Scriptures
I know it must grow wearying to many Jesus-lovers to hear of one Christian leader after another being accused of seriously disqualifying sins and even crimes. I become weary too, but not because I believe the accusations are false or nit-picky. No, I’m glad for any...
by Rebecca Davis | Mar 19, 2018 | untwisting Scriptures
The other day I received a request to comment on the topic of God punishing us for our sins in a seemingly random way: It was ingrained heavily when I was a child that God punishes us for things long after we’ve repented. Any “bad” sin leads to year and years of...
by Rebecca Davis | Mar 5, 2018 | challenging the status quo, For the Protectors, our New Covenant identity, untwisting Scriptures
Occasionally I’ve talked with friends who have feared they haven’t really forgiven the person who harmed them. “I keep thinking about the harm,” she might say. “It keeps hurting. So that makes me think I haven’t really forgiven.” It’s not only a common feeling, but...
by Rebecca Davis | Feb 12, 2018 | challenging the status quo, our New Covenant identity, untwisting Scriptures
Before the Rachael Denhollander news stories, before the Turpin family tragedy broke, I received a letter from a young woman, Lyndall Cave, sending me a Desiring God article called “Do You Love Yourself Enough?” (link). She said, [One book I’m reading] talks a lot...
by Rebecca Davis | Jan 10, 2018 | untwisting Scriptures
“You know,” I said to my son, “the Baby Boomer generation was the first generation to be labeled.” “I don’t believe it,” he said. “All the generations were labeled. ‘Generation X’ means there had to be all the other letters of the alphabet before that.” “Nope. I’m...
by Rebecca Davis | Jan 5, 2018 | challenging the status quo, For the Protectors, untwisting Scriptures
When I post something about criminal abusers and their criminal enablers in our Christian institutions, I’m often reminded by many voices that our society works on a principle of “innocent until proven guilty.” The argument goes that until a person has been found...