by Rebecca Davis | May 13, 2021 | survivor stories, untwisting Scriptures
I met Emily Elizabeth Anderson in January of this year, when she told me she had appreciated my Untwisting Scriptures books and asked to interview me on her blog, Thriving Forward. (You can find that interview here.) I knew she had come out of the Bill Gothard...
by Rebecca Davis | May 5, 2021 | untwisting Scriptures
NOTE: I’ve written about fear a number of times. Some of the most pertinent are listed and linked down at the end of this article. We don’t want to ignore the fear signals that tell us to get out of an unsafe situation, and I’ve addressed those in other articles. But...
by Rebecca Davis | Mar 31, 2021 | our New Covenant identity, untwisting Scriptures
OR “Why the Resurrection is Essential to Your Salvation” (in honor of Holy Week) Much of my writing is presented to refute false teaching in the fundamentalist and evangelical Christian world. But I always want to point my readers to what is true, right, and good....
by Rebecca Davis | Mar 25, 2021 | untwisting Scriptures
Last week Alistair Roberts hosted Joe Rigney, the new president of Bethlehem College & Seminary and author of multiple books, alongside Hannah Anderson, author of multiple books. They disagreed about empathy, and did so amicably. That part was refreshing. But I...
by Rebecca Davis | Mar 17, 2021 | our New Covenant identity, untwisting Scriptures
Deborah Brunt is a friend who served in the Southern Baptist Convention for many years, as an author, teacher, and women’s leader. Long before others were doing so, she bravely stood against the abuses of power and belittling of women that she saw and experienced in...
by Rebecca Davis | Mar 3, 2021 | news and musings, untwisting Scriptures
Last week Emily Elizabeth Anderson of Thriving Forward interviewed me in light of the recent publication of my second Untwisting Scriptures book, which addresses patriarchy and authority. Emily is one of the “Jane Does” who brought the lawsuit against Bill...