by Rebecca Davis | Dec 20, 2017 | challenging the status quo, sanctification by faith alone, untwisting Scriptures
Yesterday when I fell down the black hole of Twitter, I ended up gasping for air with a Desiring God blog post. Husbands, Get Her Ready for Jesus (link) astonished me with its unbiblical focus on husband-as-sanctifier. It began with Ephesians 5:25-26 . . . Husbands,...
by Rebecca Davis | Nov 15, 2017 | challenging the status quo, For the Protectors, untwisting Scriptures
My faithful readers have seen some of my blog posts about rights before, and know that two chapters of Untwisting Scriptures are devoted to understanding rights. I’m glad to say that author and speaker Leslie Vernick is giving an opportunity to interact on this...
by Rebecca Davis | Nov 8, 2017 | challenging the status quo, For the Protectors, untwisting Scriptures
Next week I’ll be privileged to guest post again for Leslie Vernick at, about how you actually do have rights and you shouldn’t surrender or yield them and it’s actually impossible to surrender many of them. That will be a brief outline of the...
by Rebecca Davis | Oct 30, 2017 | untwisting Scriptures
Someone wrote to me recently about songs that ask God to “crush me,” “wreck me,” and “consume me,” saying, If God can abuse his bride, yet tell her that it is for her good, of course a husband can do that to his. And both blame her for not trusting. This...
by Rebecca Davis | Oct 6, 2017 | challenging the status quo, our New Covenant identity, seeking Jesus, untwisting Scriptures
Yesterday’s post presented the question from a reader and the first part of my answer, about wicked parents and how we as the body of Christ need to be teaching children to obey God rather than man. You can read Part One here. But what about controlling parents...
by Rebecca Davis | Oct 5, 2017 | challenging the status quo, untwisting Scriptures
Here’s a letter I received last week: I have a long back story but to simplify for my question, I am in my early 50s, so raised my kids in the era of the home school conference you mentioned [in the post “Christian patriarchy: Here’s how you replaced God”]. ...